Have you ever suffered with a lower back disc issue?
Did your physio/osteopath recommend Pilates?
Are you still managing your discomfort but know you really need to invest in a focused exercise plan?
Well now is the time to commit once and for all to..
*Improve your strength and protect your back*
*Gain the confidence to start doing the things you have stopped through discomfort*
*Dramatically improve your movement and well being*
“I had restricted movement due to a disc problem in my lower back..I now have an understanding of my problem and how best to manage it as well as understanding the root cause.”
Barrister’s Clerk, Essex
Claim your FREE 1.2.1 Pilates session now by clicking on the link below, and select ‘Free 1.2.1 Pilates Pass’ to book yourself in. *Limited slots available*
“Yes, I want to improve my strength and protect my back”

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