TOTAL BARRE 4 Week Course 2019
How to get a ballerina’s body even if you have two left feet!
We have a new 4 week course starting Wed 6th Nov 12.15pm
✔︎ Low Impact
✔︎ Cardiovascular repetitive movement
✔︎ No dance experience needed
✔︎ Body sculpting
Even if you are a little bit curious you should book onto this course, have fun whilst looking and feeling great!
Limited space, only 6 per class, secure your slot now.
4 Week Course starts Wed 6th Nov – Wed 27th Nov 12.15pm
Any questions or to book – call Sam 07957151806
Meditation Workshop
Meditation Workshop
at The Movement Base Sunday 23rd June 10am
So what is Meditation?
Meditation is about training the mind and finding the right techniques for each person. For example, you can’t tell a busy mum to sit and meditate for an hour – it’s got to be something that’s right for you and your lifestyle.
You don’t have to be religious. You don’t have to be a Buddhist. It’s about training the “monkey mind” – that part of your mind that runs all over the place and distracts you, making you feel stressed or overwhelmed can learn to be still and quiet.
It takes practice and discipline, but it’s worth it!
Meditation Workshop at The Movement Base
149 Leigh Road, SS9 1JF
with Louise Reader
2 hour workshop £30
The Active Ageing | April 2018 | Vicky Morgan
As the world continues to constantly change and evolve at an ever increasing rate we all have to make changes to habits and lifestyles to fit with this new way of life.
Even though I am just at the beginning of my teaching journey within the pilates world I am already feeling completely inspired by a particular group of people… The Active Ageing…. Gone are the days when retirement means your winding down and getting old, this is now becoming a time for people to embrace another stage of their life and to do this they need and want to stay fit and healthy.
I’m already so pleased to be working with clients of this generation with such positive attitudes, stamina and a passion for wanting to take care of themselves and their bodies whatever their age. Pilates is fast becoming a form of exercise that is loved by all generations and it is attracting a vast range of ages. With benefits such as helping you to recover from long term back pain and injuries it can also be life changing and impact on your entire well being.
Be brave whatever age you are and find a way to keep healthy and active.
If you think Pilates could be for you come along for a FREE taster session and find out for yourself.
BOOK NOW or contact us on 07957 151 806
You can also view our class timetable online
Team Pilates | March 2018 | Vicky Morgan
Team Pilates!
When you come along to your classes or private sessions each week you all get our individual attention as instructors and we pride ourselves on being able to provide our clients with complete attention to detail. But behind our individual teaching styles we are a team and a great team at that! This Sunday we got together, as we regularly do to share ideas and discuss new teaching techniques.
Training and continual professional development is key to our success
Evaluating what we do on a regular basis
Analysing and sharing ideas
Making improvements and learning from each other
I have recently joined this incredible team, and having now completed my STOTT Pilates Matwork training I’m excited to be teaching for The Pilates Base. I only discovered Pilates in recent years after having my children. As a stressed mum wanting to get back to fitness and exercise, I tried various ways but didn’t connect with anything until I started taking Pilates classes at The Massage and Pilates Base.
Instantly Pilates became a big part of my life and I soon developed a real passion for this very beneficial form of exercise. When my youngest son started school this left an opening for me to start a new career. With a background in teaching and a love for Pilates I was keen to make this become part of my life and was delighted when offered the opportunity to train and work alongside some of the best instructors in the STOTT Pilates industry.
I have now completed my STOTT Pilates Matwork training and am excited to continue training during my journey into the Pilates world.
I look forward to meeting you all soon.
Bye for now, Vicky x
Charity Cuppa & Cake Morning | March 2018 | Sam Wilkinson
I have been wanting to give back for a while now but never really felt ‘ready’ after the passing of my mum 12 years ago to pancreatic cancer. I have since been working with a client for many years who regularly comes to me for soft tissue therapy and pilates and I have recently witnessed her journey from diagnosis of ovarian cancer to facing the world again. She somehow flicked a switch in me and made me realise that I have never really accepted my mother’s death and that if they can be so brave in the face of horrendous circumstances then surely it’s my ‘duty’ to support them and do my little bit. So here I am.
We are holding a coffee and cake morning on 19th March 2018 at our studio TheMassage&PilatesBase 325 London Road, Benfleet, SS7 1BL, and hoping to serve as many people a possible. Then myself and my family are doing the Rural Ramble walk on 14th April 2018.
So this is for my client to show that she is never alone.
And of course my mum….. I can finally lay myself bare in celebration of your life and if I can be a help or support in anyway to others then your memory will shine ever brighter.
Love Sam x
Contact Us
Give us a call to discuss your options or book a session or class
+44 7957 151 806
“Sam is kind and caring. Her massages are deep and certainly sort out my aches and pains. Not only does Sam work on the strained muscles but she comes up with very good advice on exercises to help. Over the years Sam has kept me upright and mobile and although I have had to come to her from Chelmsford she is worth the journey” Linzie Pudney